68. Tips for taking class and setting goals in line with your menstrual cycle!
JUL 31, 2021
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Ever wondered why some weeks feel like you have boundless energy resources whilst others are completely flat? Well your menstrual cycle might have something to do with that!
Firstly, whilst I am an expert in ballet I am in no way an expert on health. However I have always been incredibly interested in how nutrition can impact my students and optimise their technique and training. One of the reasons why I started the Balanced Ballerinas Podcast is because it gives me the opportunity to pick the brains of experts in relation to dance science and nutrition and expand my knowledge in these areas.
I’d like to thank Dr Stephanie Potreck who has run her trained eye over this information I’m about to share with you. Her assistance and feedback was crucial to avoid the spreading of misinformation. I hope this post inspires you to get to know your body better and visit www.ausdancersoverseas.com for more comprehensive guides and courses that support dancers.
In this episode we cover the menstrual, follicular, ovulation and luteal phase of our cycle and explore some tips for taking class and setting goals that are in alignment with our needs during each phase of the cycle. If the episode inspires you to be more #periodpositive I'd love to hear from you!
Find the original BLOG POST HERE: https://www.balancedballerinas.com/2021/07/04/tips-for-taking-class-and-setting-goals-in-line-with-your-menstrual-cycle/
Get your FREE Balanced Ballerinas 'Intention Setting' worksheet HERE and start kicking GOALS: https://www.balancedballerinas.com/product/balanced-ballerinas-intention-setting-worksheet/
You can find more resources at www.balancedballerinas.com
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