Welcome back to Sumo Drop!
Film director and film critic Matthew Stogdon is back with filmmaker, writer and podcaster Emma-Jane Corsan & artist and writer Mark Fox to cover the second week of Sumo Wrestling's July tournament: the Nagoya Basho.
This week we discuss the tournament as a whole, our feelings regarding the rikishi who ended up lifting the Emperor's Cup, as well as a full assessment of our 'fake boy' Rikishi in our fantasy league. We also look at our 'real boys' to compare and contrast how those we actively chose sized up against those randomly assigned to us.
This podcast is designed for both veteran supporters or anyone curious, looking to get into Japan's national sport. For an introduction to the sport, please check out our guide to sumo: https://soundcloud.com/bbgwpod/sumo-drop-guide-to-sumo, additionally, Matt and Em appeared on the Fandomentals podcast covering all the basics, so be sure to tune into that: https://linktr.ee/FandomentalsPodcast
So chuck some salt in the air and step into the ring, it's time for Sumo Drop!
For details on Matt, Em or Fox's other projects feel free to follow them on twitter: twitter.com/stoghz, twitter.com/emmajanemint, twitter.com/grapplearcade and make sure you follow the show's official twitter account twitter.com/sumodroppod
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