Prepare To Prosper In The Next Global Crisis w/ John Burstall CEO Argonon Group
DEC 10, 2023
Description Community

James Burstall is CEO of Argonon, one of the UK’s top international independent production groups. The group is headquartered in London with hubs in New York, Los Angeles, Oklahoma, Liverpool and Glasgow. Founded by James, the group has won more than 125 international awards, including Emmys, BAFTAs and Royal Television Society Awards, and encompasses nine world-class production companies.

During his tenure at Argonon he has had to deal with a variety of existential crises. Through them all, he's managed to guide his team out the other side successfully. Whether it's been the credit crunch or terror attacks. Recessions. Natural disasters. Pandemics. The TV industry has felt the strain of these recurring events like all of us. And each time, James has put strategies in place in order to be prepared for the next time something like this happens: because it will happen again.


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Thanks as always for listening and have the best day yet!

Behind the Human is proudly recorded in a Canadian made Loop Phone Booth


Special props 👇

Producer & Editor - John Balderston

Music: Clouds - Joakim Karud
