The Dark Side of Holiday Indulgence and the Saving Grace of Fasting
SEP 18, 2023
Description Community
Brace yourselves as we unravel the harsh reality of our seasonal sugar-rush head-on. We'll shed light on the often overlooked dangers lurking in our holiday meals, where sugar, fast food, and processed foods take the center stage. Yes, the holiday season spells joy and warmth, but it's high time we reevaluate our diet choices. Get ready for an enlightening discussion on how shifting to organic, farm-grown produce could be your ticket to a detoxified body and better health.

Fasten your seatbelts as I take you on a roller-coaster ride of personal experiences battling health challenges. I've single-handedly fought mercury poisoning, two forms of arthritis, and macular degeneration, pushing my body to its limits, year after year. But, with the support of a like-minded group sharing the same mission, I'm here, thriving amidst the environmental deterioration. Hear me out as we unveil the long-suppressed truth about fasting. Let's challenge modern medicine's narratives together, for a healthier, better informed you.

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