Citizen Science has been around for a long time. It has allowed vast amounts of data to be collected and analysed within a relatively short period by getting members of the public to participate in scientific research.
This research is invaluable as it helps to inform natural resource management, increase environmental protection and inform policy and decision making. It also benefits individuals as they can engage in research and provide public input.
There are numerous citizen science opportunities for landholders to get involved in, whether it be about frogs, tree hollows, scats, or even ferals - there is something for everyone.
Join us as we speak with three motivated individuals working in this space across diverse topics and landscapes, from water to earth to sky.
Thank you to our guests featured in this episode:
Lilly Schwartz - founder of the Hills Hornsby Rural Koala Project
Jessica Lumbroso - Land Care Coordinator and Streamwatch Coordinator for the Greater Sydney Land Care
Ben Humphries - Coordinator of the Southern NSW Birds on Farms Project
For more information or to get involved:
Hills Hornsby Rural Koala Project
Birds on Farms Project
Australian Citizen Science Association (in partnership with Atlas of Living Australia)
Hosted by Edgars Greste and Katie Meyer
Produced by Grow Love Project and hosted by NSW Local Land Services