Full Show
MAR 28, 2023
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BJ has a dilemma at home. His wife wants Frog to sleep in his own bed. BJ thinks Frog should be allowed to sleep in their bed until he is comfortable moving to his own bed. What should he do? The Dr suing Gwyneth Paltrow took the stand yesterday and had some hilarious testimony. The largest casino heist ever happened over St Patrick's Day weekend. Jamie shares her casino hacks. BJ says people need to go back to working in person. Are you tired of all the places asking for tips that used to not ask for tips? Jamie has found the destination for her summer vacation, The Faroe Islands. You can apply for an E-bike rebate today! Jay Z made a billion dollars in the last year. The people who cheated at the fishing tournament last year plead guilty. Jamie ordered a single banana instead of a bunch of bananas. BJ is tired of hearing about click list. 
