The world around us is a four-dimensional world; there are three spatial dimensions, and one temporal dimension. Many of these objects emit an almost unfathomable number of photons. As we developed as creatures on this planet, we gathered the ability to sense the world around us; and given the amount of information represented as photons, it is no surprise that we developed an organ for sensing photons. But because of the amount of photons that are involved, and our relatively limited computational resources, it is necessary to develop shortcuts if we want to simulate an environment in silico. So what is raytracing? How is that different from what happens in games? And what does Ptolemy have to do with 3D graphics? All of this and more on this episode of Breaking Math.
Theme was Breaking Math Theme and outro was Breaking Math Outro by Elliot Smith of Albuquerque.
This episode is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. License information can be found here:[Featuring: Sofía Baca, Gabriel Hesch]