89) Will Return Fees Reduce Overconsumption?
JUN 27, 2023
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Fashion's returns are a massive waste and emissions issue. In fact, 23 million returned garments were sent to a landfill or incinerated last year in the UK, and returns caused 750,000 tons of CO2 emissions just in the UK fashion industry alone, according to The Institute of Positive Fashion's report: Solving Fashion's Products Returns.

Generous free returns policies from brands and retailers have also helped fuel the trend of buying clothes to wear just once or only for a social media post and then return them. 

However, the days of these free return policies may be coming to an end. Zara, Boohoo, Uniqlo, and Next have all recently announced return fees.

These brands are likely making the decision to implement return fees for financial reasons, but what are the implications for sustainability? 

In this Green or Greenwashing segment, Elizabeth and Stella explore the nuances of fashion's product return fees.



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Report: Institute of Positive Fashion Solving Fashion Product Returns Report

Article: How the end of free returns will change the way we shop by Sophie Benson

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