Why Hunting Activism Matters with Dan Gates
MAR 11, 2024
Description Community

Why Your Activism Matters with Dan Gates

Show Notes:


Dan Gates runs Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management (CRWM) as Executive Director. CRWM was formed back in 2017, and they do a lot of hunting lobbying, advocacy, and education as a 501(c). Their mission is to enhance, promote, and defend the North American model of wildlife conservation and responsible wildlife management. Dan is also the President of the Colorado Trappers and Predator Hunters Association and he’s been working with us on some things for Howl for Wildlife.


Dan has intimate knowledge of wildlife issues and believes that if you’re not sitting at the table, you’re on the menu. Politics is part of wildlife conservation, but many hunters just want to hunt and not get involved. There are only a few people in the fight, and we’ve lost a lot of ground due to our current organizations not being organized properly. 


Here, Dan and I talk about how CRWM is working to make significant changes and cast a wider net. There’s a big disconnect in the hunting community when things come up that seemingly don’t impact them directly. Dan shares his thoughts on how we can get people to connect the dots. We also discuss what Dan’s doing to make key changes in the legislature, how the anti-hunting world tries to push their agenda, and more.


What’s Inside:


  • Why you need to get involved in hunting and conservation activism

  • How Dan’s making key changes in legislature

  • Why community education on conservation issues is critical


Mentioned in this episode

Days In The Wild Podcast

Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone

Howl for Wildlife: https://www.howlforwildlife.org/

Save the Hunt Colorado


Short Description:

Dan Gates runs Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management (CRWM) as Executive Director. Here, Dan and I talk about how CRWM is working to make significant changes and cast a wider net in the advocacy world. We also discuss what Dan’s doing to make key changes in the legislature, how the anti-hunting world tries to push their agenda, and more.


big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, hunting advocacy, save the hunt Colorado, conservation, hunting legislation, CRWM
