You Take The Good, You Take The Bad
APR 30, 2023
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This week, There is no shortage of insanity. Los Angeles Councilwoman blamed Toyota for catalytic converter thefts from the Prius — and reportedly did so after opposing a council motion targeting the crime.

Degenerates sexually attracted to children may soon enjoy special treatment as a protected class in the state of Minnesota on account of a new Democratic bill.
A woman is accused of assaulting three TSA agents because they took away her apple juice at a checkpoint.

A diversity officer representing Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin ruffled a lot of feathers when he spoke at a recent mandatory faculty training at the Virginia Military Academy, invoking the name of Jesus in reverential prayer and slamming the concept of equity.

A letter from a Vermont school district to parents expressed a policy change to use "gender inclusive phrases" in place of words like "boy" and "girl" in a curriculum unit about human reproduction.

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