The Power of 86,400: Spending Your Time Wisely for Personal Wellbeing
NOV 22, 2023
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Welcome back to another episode of "Wellbeing Without Wine."

 I'm your host, Deirdre Coyne, and today we're delving into a thought-provoking analogy that will make you rethink how you spend your time.

 Imagine waking up every day with 86,400 valuable units of your currency, with the condition that you must use all of it by the end of the day. 

In this episode, we explore the concept of time and how we choose to spend it. Are we making the most of our 86,400 seconds? 

Are we investing in things that bring us joy and fulfillment? 

Join me as we delve into these questions and discover strategies for spending our time wisely. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into episode 86400: What Will You Do With Yours?

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