The STOP Technique: Separating Food from Feelings
JAN 29
Description Community

- Deirdre Coyne, psychotherapist specializing in food, weight, and body issues, shares insights on separating food from emotions.

Key Points
- The "Stop" Technique: Using "stop prompts" to have other options besides eating when trying to soothe ourselves in different ways.
- S - Stop: Imagine a red and white stop sign when triggered or craving food. Take a moment to breathe and pause.
- T - Think: Consider how you want to feel. How do you want to feel when going to bed or waking up in the morning? Will the food choice serve this feeling?
- O - Other than eating: Explore alternative ways to process emotions, reduce stress, and anxiety.
- P - Prepare and Pick: Prepare a list of alternative activities in advance. When triggered, pick one of these options instead of turning to food.

- Encourages listeners to prepare for ending emotional eating or binge eating by implementing the "Stop" Technique.

Actionable Takeaways
- Implement the "Stop" Technique during triggering moments.
- Prepare a list of alternative activities to turn to instead of emotional eating.
- Consider seeking further help from Deirdre Coyne for support with emotional or binge eating issues.

If you are not sure if the eating freely programme is for you why not try a free trial of the first session here is the link for this

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