Who’s fault if a runner is not getting better?
FEB 07, 2024
Description Community

If you're trying to improve and you don't improve, whose fault is it? 

Before we talk about running injuries, let's talk about when you're not injured. You hire a coach. You know the coach is qualified, You know your coach has given you a valid training plan, and you know that you can execute.

But then something goes sideways. Your baby gets sick. You get an additional work project. You are sent away out of town on work.  Something happens, and you miss some workouts. 

If you don't communicate that to your coach, and you just skip workouts, or inadvertently stack workouts together to make up for missed workouts, and then you get injured, whose fault is that?

Whose fault is it if an injured runner is not getting better?

Well, that's what we're talking about today on the Doc On The Run Podcast. 


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