Nicole Melichar-Martinez, Ellen Perez, & Coach Carlos Martinez at Indian Wells
MAR 16
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Nicole Melichar-Martinez and Ellen Perez are the number 7 & 8 ranked doubles players in the world. They recently made the finals at the WTA 1000 in Dubai and followed it up with a WTA 500 victory in San Diego.

This conversation with them and their coach, Carlos Martinez, took place a day after their round 1 win at Indian Wells. We chat about that victory and their season so far.

I asked them:

  • What they've learned about each other over the last two years as a doubles pairing.
  • What Carlos has improved on as a great coach over the last few seasons.
  • What one change they would make to doubles.

They each share a tip for playing better in pressure moments and during tight matches as well.


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