You Must Pass the Test
FEB 04, 2022
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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 368 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

All of us at one point in time in our lives, and more for some than others, experience difficulties and challenges. Those are tests. We are tested when we witness divine favor. We assume, since no good is coming to me, that means that “I'm not worth it” or “I'm a bad person”, or more so than anything else, “I'm not worthy of goodness.”

This is not true. It is so far removed from the truth.

When the Creator's presence is hidden in these situations, when things are difficult and challenging, you're not sure where to go, and when you don't know what to do, it simply means that the Creator, G-d Almighty, wishes to grace you with a closer, more intense relationship with Him.

That's what he wants you to recognize. He wants you to know that He is right there by you, but in order to preserve your faith in G-d, in the Creator, in the face of such situations, this is when He tests your faith, your belief. At that time, you have to draw from a deeper level of commitment than you had up until now. This is when you must pass the test.

Once you pass the test, you realize it was a temporary test. It was just something that was given to you as a challenge so you could rise higher than where you were before.

Now, you might ask the question, "Why the test? Why you make it so difficult? If He is G-d and He loves me, why doesn't He just give it to me?"

Well, the truth is, He does but in order to deserve more, you have to become more. Life is not about how much you accumulate, how much money you make, how many toys you buy; life is about the person that you become and how you helped this world become a better place to be better so that everyone around you can become better physically, psychologically, emotionally, financially and in every aspect. And whatever it is that was given to you, any strength or powers, or abilities, or talents, those are gifts, tools, skills. They were given to you for you to use and make this world a better place.

Now, you might ask, "If this is the case, how come sometimes I don't see results even though I do so much?"

Life is not about results either; it's about your faith. Believe in it and you'll see. If you look deep, you'll see how grateful you should be for what you've got and everything that you continuously get.

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