Palm Sunday: A Prayerful Walk Through the Final Days of Jesus
MAR 24, 2024
Description Community

Join me, Jo, as we embark on the deeply spiritual journey of Holy Week with our special Palm Sunday edition. Experience the unfolding narrative of Jesus's triumphal entry into Jerusalem, an event that set in motion the transformative week leading up to Easter.  Hear the echo of Jesus's poignant words to the Greeks on the paradox of life and death, and feel the weight of His compassion for Jerusalem as we weave through scripture from John 12, Luke 19, and Mark 11. The air is thick with anticipation and reverence as we trace His steps into the temple and His quiet retreat to Bethany, preparing ourselves for the week ahead.

As we pause in reflection, I share a prayer for light and encouragement, a beacon for us to become bearers of light in areas of our lives where shadows may fall. Through the cross's power and the Holy Spirit's guidance, we’ll discuss what it means to uplift and strengthen one another in our communities. This episode is an invitation to transform our inner spirit in readiness for the resurrection celebration, to step into the role of women who encourage and elevate others, and to carry the light of hope and change into every corner of our lives. Let this be a time of renewal and connection, as we embrace the profound messages of Holy Week together.

Now get out into the world and be a woman who intentionally encourages another!

#women #podcast
