Legacy and Fitness
DEC 13, 2023
Description Community

What is a legacy?

At the most basic level it's what we leave to future generations of people.

When it comes to a legacy with regard to fitness, the question becomes:

What do we owe the future when it comes to the world of fitness and health that we give to future generations?

In this podcast, James and Robby ask and attempt to answer the following questions.

-Is all we should be doing in fitness and health studying the legacy of our ancestors?

-Are our current health and fitness practices tarnishing the legacy of our ancestors?

-How is our own personal legacy determined? Is the last things we say and do? The sum of all our actions? Our best work?

-What actions and practices do we need to adopt now to leave a beautiful health and fitness legacy to future generations?

-Does there need to be a new legacy created to incorporate fitness into the modern world? The old world isn’t coming back barring something catastrophic

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