A Disciple-Making Framework for Leadership Development with Mac Lake
MAR 09, 2023
Description Community

We know we need volunteers, but are we willing to slow down and create opportunities and pipelines that build a volunteer framework to get there? 

Volunteer expert Mac Lake is a pioneering influence in the church planting movement. Through his partnership with West Ridge Church, they created the LAUNCH Network. The North American Mission Board adopted the LAUNCH Church Planting system in 2015, and Mac served at NAMB through implementation. Mac founded the Multiply Group in 2019, which is committed to helping leaders and churches multiply. He is the author of four books, including The Multiplication Effect. Mac and his wife, Cindy, live in Charleston, SC, and have three grown children and four grandchildren.


In this episode, you will learn:

  • What Sarah McGlocklin has to do with reaching new volunteers

  • Several current volunteer stats, including:
    • 1 in 4 Americans volunteers at least once in the past year, with women volunteering more than men
      • research.lifeway.com/2018/07/26/data-paints-a-picture-of-volunteerism-across-the-nation

  • As the percentage of the churches staffing budget increases, the percentage of people volunteering decreases
    • theunstuckgroup.com/measuring-church-health-how-many-people-will-serve

  • Post pandemic still waiting for volunteers to return, with only 35% of Americas serving, down 44% from the pre-pandemic era
    • christianitytoday.com/news/2022/january/church-ministry-volunteer-gallup-survey-lifeway-wr.html 

  • 61% of people who volunteered in the last six months considered volunteering an act of generosity, and pastors disagree
    • barna.com/research/volunteering-giving

  • Mac recaps his book, The Multiplication Effect - multiplygroup.org

  • Ray talks first steps in addressing volunteer culture

  • How discipleship is the backbone of your volunteer pipeline

  • How to apply these principles to a church as small as 10 people

  • What has it been like for Mac through and after the pandemic with the Multiply Group

  • PJ’s experience as a Serve Minister

  • How to implement a “white glove” experience for new volunteers

  • A word from Ray that it starts with us and discipleship to change how we reach and engage volunteers
