A Man's Guide to Spiritual Disciplines
MAY 18, 2023
Description Community

Dr. Patrick Morley founded Morley Properties in 1973 and was one of Florida’s 100 largest privately held companies. He’s been the president or managing partner of over 59 different companies and has taught a bible study to over 5,000 men for decades on Friday mornings. He has written over 18 books. His book, Man in the Mirror has sold over 3,000,000 copies worldwide and selected as one of the most influential books of the 20th Century. Dr. Morley has a new book out entitled: A Man’s Guide to Spiritual Disciplines.


In this episode, Patrick and Scott explore:

  • The status of men and spiritual growth in America.

  • Evangelism without discipleship is cruel. Patrick Morley

  • God tends to communicate in 4 ways.

    • Through His works

    • Through His Word

    • Through the whisper of His Spirit

    • Through the witness of believers

  • The importance of drawing value from who I am not what I do.

  • How to learn to engage with God’s Word even if you do not like to read.

  • Explore the deepest hunger of the human heart.

  • How a pastor or leader can observe a Sabbath even when overwhelmed with work and family responsibilities.

  • How the pastor can build men in the church through spiritual disciplines.

  • A suggestion for the true measurement of men’s ministry success.
