Keys to Handle Traumatic Events in Church and Prepare for Future Success - Dr. Gevan Spinney
SEP 15, 2022
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In this episode with Dr. Gevan Spinney:
• Gevan has pastored at FBC Haughton, Louisiana since 2002. Dr. Spinney was saved, called to preach, ordained, and married Andrea at FBCH. Gevan has served as LBC President, is on the board of trustees at NAMB, has an earned doctorate, and an honorary doctorate for his work guiding LA Baptists to respond and rebuild during hurricane Katrina.
• Fun Fact: Gevan is a co-host of “The Way It Was” hunting show on the Pursuit channel with legends like Hank Parker.
• Crazy story of FBC Haughton where Sully and Dr. Spinney served.
• Strangest thing Dr. Spinney ever attempted.
• Lessons learned while implementing a NEW disciple-making strategy in a 130-year-old church.
• Scott and Gevan share leadership lessons that help them survive a sexual predator experience in their church.
• A new member class and strategy that set the culture for God-sized growth and are now averaging more people and budget coming out the pandemic!
• Keys to leading as a disciple-maker when trouble arises.
o Ex: Don’t write checks with your mouth that your feet cannot back up.
• Wisdom for leaders wanting to expand their platform and increase disciple-making impact.
• 2 crazy cool ministry ideas First Haughton is doing to make disciples.