G.O. 094 - Chasing Water With EC Moe
FEB 01, 2020
Description Community

When not dressed as a cow for the Butter and Eggs Parade, a young EC spent her time hiking, swimming, and camping. Serendipitous moments in her adulthood introduced her to new passions: caving, canyoneering, and diving. She and a sick Jason met one morning to discuss her experiences in the outdoors, her work as a water quality scientist for Heal the Bay, and her love for water (but not oceans).


More About EC Moe
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/annelisa.moe

More about SoCal Grotto
SoCal Grotto Website: https://southerncaliforniagrotto.com/ 
NSS Website (Find a Grotto): http://caves.org/committee/i-o/newio/find-grotto.php 

More about Heal the Bay
Website: https://healthebay.org/
Calendar: https://healthebay.org/events/2020-02/ 
Volunteer Information: https://healthebay.org/take-part/ 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HealtheBay 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HealtheBay

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