What Are Your Next 30 Years Going To Include?
JAN 22
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30 years...that's a long time! Do you know what you want to experience over the next 30 years? I know we all have an idea of what we might like to happen, but what do you KNOW for sure that you WILL create in your future?

If there's one thing that's certain, it's that the most happy, successful and fulfilled people I know are the ones who are most clear about themselves and their direction in life. And on top of that, because they're so clear, other people LOVE to be around that energy and be involved in that clarity of purpose and adventure. It's magnetic.

This is what we will help you have for yourself.

In our coaching, we help men get a powerful new mindset that empowers you to give, love and connect more deeply because you're finally doing that within yourself first. This mindset allows empathy, trust and connection to happen because you're confident in who you're being.

We teach skills and knowledge that nobody ever teaches men when we're younger. Skills and knowledge that make you feel confident and in control even when chaos is going on around you.

It's amazing what you can achieve when you make yourself a priority.

Most men don't.

They are too busy taking care of everyone else. Too busy minding the store and making the money.

They are focused on the "outside game" of winning life.

But their "inside game" of confidence and clarity is suffering badly.

You can only improve your inside game with other men.

We would love to help you become more calm, more strong emotionally and more confident and happy in who you are as a man.

Come and join us, either through 1-on-1 coaching with my colleague Dan Dore or me, or in our group coaching program with other amazing men who are travelling the same path as you right now in our Men's Live Coaching Roundtable. There's an amazing tribe of guys in this group with us, supporting and helping each other through this process of growth and self realization.

If you're facing possible divorce, we have an online course which is specifically for you - Defuse the Divorce Bomb: https://mojopolis.thinkific.com/courses/HDDB-preview?ref=a53950

What if this next year everything changed for you?

That's what we want for you brother,

We love teaching men these tools - how to be better, how to know who you are, what you stand for, what you want and how to CREATE it in your life through our Masculine Confidence coaching programs. Dan and I are here to guide you on this mission.

Steve's book Straight Talk Tools for the Desperate Husband will help you to lead yourself and your relationship back to good health. Understand why your partner acts the way she does toward you and learn how to lead your life in the direction you want it to go. You CAN have the relationship you want, fulfilling all your desires while maintaining love and respect.

We also have a free e-book to help men learn how to lose their fear and be more bold in their marriage to create the love and connection they want. Get The Hard to Swallow Truth About Saving Your Marriage: http://goodguys2greatmen.com/

If you want to learn more about how to take a bigger step toward being a clear-headed, confident man of action, then find out more here: http://goodguys2greatmen.com/work-with-steve/

We would be thrilled to help you get there - our first discovery call is always free and always gives you a BIG boost of confidence. You WILL become a clearer, stronger, more confident man only through other men. Your woman cannot take you there - and she doesn't WANT to...trust us on that.

Sign up to receive our email newsletters for lots more free tips and advice here: http://archive.aweber.com/stevemain

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You can watch all our videos here: http://goodguys2greatmen.com/video-library/

Or read our blog articles here: http://goodguys2greatmen.com/blog/