Killing Two Birds With One Stone - Video
FEB 12, 2023
Description Community
God operates differently than you and I. God looks at the outcome, works backward to our present, and orchestrates things to suit His purpose. God has the complete vision of every one of us. We struggle through the issues of life and try to make it one day at a time, but God has it already charted out. Thousands of things frustrate the plan between the beginning and the end. None of them is a surprise to God. There are two things God has given us to keep us on track to His purpose. The first is purpose. There is a plan and intent in us being here. God has a specific purpose for each one of us. The second thing God gives us to help us get to His plan is grace. Grace is forgiveness of our shortcomings and insufficiencies. God gives grace not because we deserve it, but because He loves us. It is more than just forgiving the dept; grace completely erases the record of the debt. The enemy will try to frustrate both purpose and grace to disrupt us from following God’s plan.