We all say we want God's will to be fulfilled. Often, that comes in ways we do not understand or expect. Sometimes, God's will takes us down a path of tension and discomfort. Sometimes, that uncomfortable and painful path is to get our attention and move us toward decisions that we might be unwilling to make if we were not to move out of our comfort zone. Until we are willing to get out of our routine and comfort zone, we may not be able to hear what God is trying to tell us. God's will often involves change. Most people do not like change and even fear it. Change happens around us all the time; it is inevitable. Why do we fear change and try to resist it? Because change forces us to grow. Without change, our lives would devolve into an unhealthy, stagnant state. The greatest tragedy in life is not to change. There is a place God is trying to get us to, and we cannot get there if we remain unchanged. We must look at change as an opportunity, not a threat. In so doing, we open ourselves up to God's blessing. As we enter this season of change in our church, Brother Hughes encourages us to do three things. First, we must face our fears. Change is scary, but not changing is not any better. Second, focus on the purpose. The proper perspective is essential and will frame our attitude. Finally, we utilize our faith to encourage us for the future based on what God has seen us through in the past.
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