Episode 23: Using Email and SMS Marketing Effectively with Dylan Kelley at Wavebreak
SEP 28, 2022
Description Community

In today’s conversation, host Katya Allison is joined by Dylan Kelley, Founder and CEO of Wavebreak, to discuss the power of combining SMS and email marketing, especially around Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Dylan has helped many organizations grow their revenue based on a few important marketing principles:

- The most successful marketing strategy makes use of both SMS and email marketing.

- Well-executed creative elements on an email or text can drive revenue without altering the rest of the campaign.

- Historical data analysis is an essential marketing tool.

- Trial various marketing approaches early in the year to establish a well-tested campaign for the winter holiday season.

- Timing and cadence are foundational to using SMS and email effectively.

- In most cases, the simplest design and messaging are the most effective.

Dylan’s work at Wavebreak is a masterclass in how to effectively leverage every marketing tool available.

Dylan Kelley - Twitter - https://twitter.com/dylanmkelley?lang=en

Wavebreak - https://wavebreak.co/

Wavebreak Webinar - https://wavebreak.co/bfcm-2022-webinar-replay/

GRIN - LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/grin-inc-/

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