Finding the Right Audience for Your Brand with Rand Fishkin at SparkToro
FEB 15, 2023
Description Community

On today’s episode, host Katya Allison is joined by Rand Fishkin, Co-Founder and CEO at SparkToro, to hear how brands can more accurately market to their target demographic.

Rand offers several insights into best practices for better, targeted marketing:

- Focus on targeting your audience, not just your potential buyers.

- People who don’t buy your product can still amplify your brand voice to reach new buyers.

- Influence isn’t always about reaching a bigger audience but about reaching the right audience.

- Don’t try to market to everyone. No product is perfect for everyone. An audience that’s too broad can dilute your marketing impact.

- To help find an audience, think of your product in terms of what problem it solves.

- Never underestimate the value of data in shaping a targeted marketing campaign.

As Rand tells it, differentiating between an audience and buyers is foundational to gaining traction with brand marketing.

- Rand Fishkin |

- SparkToro |

- SparkToro |

- Katya Allison |

- GRIN |

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