Leveraging Podcasts as a Marketing Strategy with Rob Walch at Libsyn
NOV 09, 2022
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In today’s conversation, host Katya Allison is joined by Rob Walch, VP of Podcaster Relations at Libsyn, to hear Rob’s strategies for marketers trying to partner with podcast producers.

To Rob, it’s important to keep a few things in mind when approaching podcast audiences:

- Podcasts are more like magazines than radio shows; they have very niche audiences.

- Keyword SEO is limited to podcast titles and has no effect when used in show descriptions.

- Advertisers should consider the differences between show sponsorship and one-off advertisements.

- Marketing efforts often have a better ROI when directed towards smaller shows with committed niche audiences than shows with mass appeal.

- Video often doesn’t indicate a growing podcast audience.

- Marketers should take the time to actually listen to the shows they intend to partner with.

- Podcasts and brands should have a compatible ethos when undertaking a campaign together.

Rob’s advice is crucial for marketers seeking to capitalize on a unique advertising medium.

- Libsyn - https://libsyn.com/

- Libsyn - Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/libsyn/?hl=en

- Katya Allison - https://www.linkedin.com/in/katyaallison/

- GRIN - LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/grin-inc-/

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