Understanding the Customer Journey with Steffen Hedebrandt at Dreamdata
SEP 14, 2022
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In today’s conversation, host Katya Allison and Steffen Hedebrandt, Chief Marketing Officer and Co-Founder at Dreamdata, discuss the varying journeys that customers take between their initial contact with a brand and the final sale.

Steffen has spent the bulk of his career focused on B2B marketing, where the time between contact and sale, and the number of touchpoints along the way, can be extensive. This gives him a unique perspective on the customer journey, since he’s often intimately involved in guiding that journey in a very hands-on way.

For Steffen, there are several important points of consideration he stresses in his marketing efforts:

- Information gathering is foundational to building a successful strategy.

- Qualitative metrics can be just as informative as hard data.

- Attribution models must change to accommodate short or lengthy customer journeys.

- Ensure all customer interactions leave a digital footprint.

- Marketing and sales teams must learn to work together towards a common goal.

- Debrief and reevaluate campaign successes and failures frequently.

By analyzing the various pathways customers take to the final sale, marketers can build tailor-made campaigns that ensure consistent, measurable ROI.

Steffen Hedebrandt - https://www.linkedin.com/in/steffenhedebrandt/?originalSubdomain=dk

Dreamdata - https://dreamdata.io/?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=company_page

Katya Allison - https://www.linkedin.com/in/katyaallison/

GRIN - https://grin.co/

GRIN - https://www.linkedin.com/company/grin-inc-/

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