🪴Identifying Deficiencies: Sulfur, Iron, and More, with Marybeth Sanchez
MAR 18, 2024
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The one and only Marybeth Sanchez from Team GrowCast is back on the program for an episode all about helping home growers just like you identify deficiencies with confidence! Marybeth teases some upcoming work she will be doing with us here at GrowCast to create a deficiency deep dive series. She goes on to talk about how once you've nailed down which mineral is lacking in the plant- the first step isn't always to just add more minerals. MBS shares the telltale signs of sulfur deficiency, focusing on where the yellowing occurs and how it progresses. She also highlights how this differs from the very rare iron deficiency- and how we can correct these different mineral deficiencies with inputs that are easy to find and safe for the plant. MBS also discusses why humic acids are always so highly recommended when it comes to improving nutrient uptake- especially when your plant is lacking in micronutrients.

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