Hashtag Trending Weekend Edition, March 2, 2024 – Our guests today are Philippe Johnston and Gary Davenport of CIO Association of Canada
MAR 02, 2024
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The title Chief Information Officer, CIO, came about in 1981 when William Sinnott and William Gruber first articulated the term in their book, Information Resource Management.  In the early days, the CIO most often reported to the CFO mostly because strategic consulting in IT was done by the big accounting firms.  The role of the CIO has evolved, and today there's a real recognition that this is a senior leadership role in a very strategic area.

20 years ago in Canada, a group started in Vancouver which ultimately became the CIO Association of Canada. And over the years, the hard work of CIOs and all the IT professionals that support them has paid off. And with the advent of cloud computing, digital transformation of businesses, and now with artificial intelligence moving like a runaway freight train, the need for strategic and knowledgeable people at the C level is more needed than ever.  As it enters the 20th year, join Jim Love as he reflects on the CIO Association of Canada with Philippe Johnston and Gary Davenport.

