1.21.24 Liberating Love Part 2. Throwing Stones Redux
FEB 10
Description Community

  Liberating Love Part 2: Throwing Stones (A Redux) 
 JANUARY 21ST, 2024 - 11:00 AM 
 This week I will be preaching the sermon I prepared for last week when we got snowed out. I did change the title because there will be no soup this coming week. Love can be complicated, and it has many dimensions. This past week we talked about the importance of Joy and Romantic Love. This week we will focus on an active nature of love, love which is expressed in what we do for one another. It is kismet that this topic comes up during Stone Soup Sunday. A Sunday focused not just on community, but how we provide nourishment for each other. This Sunday we will ask, “How do we express love in our community? 
