The Last Airbender – Burn the Footage
MAR 29
Description Community

The Last Airbender—the 2010 version written, produced, and directed by M. Night Shyamalan—is an affront to cinema. Yes, it is that bad; and no, it is not worth wasting more brain power writing about.

Now, sit back, douse the Fire Nation's flames with a Tropic Force IPA from Voodoo Ranger, and practice that water bending! I, the Thunderous Wizard (@WriterTLK), Bling Blake, and Chumpzilla are riding our magical sky bison like it's a banana boat!

This Week’s Segments:

  • Introduction/Plot Breakdown – Four nations, one destiny! (00:00)

  • Lingering Questions – Does The Last Airbender dethrone Rollerball as the Shit Movie Champion? (23:29)

  • The "Turd-Bender" Trivia Challenge – Chumpzilla challenges the field to trivia about the movie. (43:54)

  • Recommendations – We offer our picks for the week and next up: We continue Live Action Flops with an adaptation that lacks bite, GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra! (54:55)

And, as always, hit us up on Threads, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram to check out all the interesting factoids from this week’s episode!

You can find this episode of Hops and Box Office Flops on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsStitcherPodbeanSpotifyAcastTuneIniHeartRadioVurblAmazon Music, and more!
