Secret Story Time Bonus Episode: The Toy Box Killer
AUG 25, 2023
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If you’re not already familiar with The Toybox Killer case, you’re about to be….and head’s up that it’s from the deepest, darkest, stankest part of history’s colon. You may need a fresh baptism afterwards just from listening.

If you’ve ever wondered why there’s such a loud movement to shut down social media accounts teaching misogyny, and backlash to violent pornography, this story is a great example. It’s also further argument AGAINST smacking kids around, and/or letting them be exposed to violent and emotionally unfit parents, because while the Toybox Killer may have been born with a screw loose, his upbringing only made things worse.

It all goes down in a bleak and dusty stretch of desert just outside Truth or Consequences, New Mexico.

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