Part 4 of our Kyoto Vacation is called “My Ordinary Life is a Mystery to be Lived,” and we begin with one of Kyoto Animation’s most beloved cult classics, and also perhaps the weirdest show ever made: Nichijou, based on the manga by Keiichi Arawi, which follows three high-school girls, a genius child inventor, the robot big sister she invents for herself, a talking cat, and many more increasingly strange characters in a very bizarre world of madcap, gorgeously-animated comedy. Nichijou is purely gag-focused, more than any show we’ve reviewed here before, but it's also incredibly creative and wildly accomplished as an animation production, and gives us a ton to talk about. We go over the show’s history, discuss what makes it so special, and each count down our Top 10 Favorite Nichijou Segments!
Enjoy, and come back next week for our review of Hyouka, the equally-singular slice-of-life mystery show from 2012!
Time Chart:
Theme Song: 0:00:00 – 0:01:30
Intro and History: 0:01:30 – 0:46:47
Eyecatch Break: 0:46:47 – 0:47:22
Nichijou Review: 0:47:22 – 1:43:44
Top 10 Nichijou Segments: 1:43:44 – 3:00:22
End Theme: 3:00:22 – 3:01:24
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“re:CAPTURE” and “Happily Ever After” – Original Music & Lyrics by Thomas Lack, featuring Hatsune Miku.