IDetective - Ryan Walters
NOV 02, 2023
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This WEDNESDAY night, November 1st, 2023, on the I Detective Show, we will examine the crisis in the Oklahoma school system and all school systems. Our guest, Ryan Walters, is an American educator in charge of the Oklahoma school systems, and an American hero. Ryan has been protecting our children from the woke mob who want to destroy the nucleus of the American family. Ryan has called the Teachers union a terrorist organization and has done battle with them to protect parents and children. We will investigate his story and give you the real deal. Lt. Randy Sutton, the Voice of America Law Enforcement, will be bringing the latest in Law Enforcement news and, of course, John \"Buck\" Savage will be bringing the best in Choir Practice. So buckle up rookies, as we give you the unvarnished truth of what is happening in Law Enforcement today. Join us on the I Detective Show every Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time, brought to you by, for the best alternative talk radio on the planet.

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