Today on the News Reel, we talk to Sophia Fisher, reporter with the Times-Independent. We discuss a proposal to pave 6 miles of road in the Sand Flats Recreation Area. We also talk about recent allegations of illegal mining brought against the Kane Creek developers as they extract sand and gravel from nearby plots to raise the riverbank along their property. We also discuss a story about local businesses that are hurting now that the Moab Airport no longer connects directly to Denver or Salt Lake City with commercial flights. We finish off with a quick update about this year’s volunteer trail building event, the Moab Spring Spruce-Up.
// Show Notes:
//Grand County takes another stab at paving Sand Flats Road
// No consensus on Kane Creek mining allegations
// Change in airline carriers has harmed businesses
// Liked last year’s Moab Facelift? It’s returning with a new name.