Don't Be Depressed
JAN 31, 2023
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Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary, MD, author of “The Prime” ​​says depression isn’t just a mind game, but very much a gut game too and new research is validating what ancient medicine has been focused on for centuries. Two new studies published in the journal Nature Communications found a link between several types of bacteria in the gut and depressive symptoms. Scientists are exploring whether some gut bacteria produce or consume mood-regulating chemicals, such as serotonin, or chemicals that cause inflammation in the body, which research has linked to depressive symptoms. Dr. Chaudhary is an internationally recognized expert in the ancient practice of Ayurvedic medicine (pronounced eye-yur-vayda and translated to “knowledge of life”). She says, in Ayurveda medicine, the gut and brain are one functional unit and the fastest way to shift mood is by changing diet, improving gut health and shifting your microbiome. When the gut-brain connection is disrupted—no matter what else you may add to boost your mood—you’re fighting an uphill battle. Dr. Chaudhary returns to Late Night Health to chat with Mark Alyn.