Syllable Stress
MAR 24, 2016
Description Community
Syllable stress

A syllable is a word, or part of a word, which contains a single vowel sound. Every word contains at least one syllable, Some examples include:

The following words are examples of words with two syllables.
garden: gar / den
hotel: ho / tel
consist: con / sist

Here are some examples of words with three syllables:
September: sep / tem / ber
department: de / part / ment
telephone: te / le / phone

And these words have four syllables:
kindergarten: kin / der / gar / ten
information: in / for / ma / tion
January: ja / nu / ar / y

When words have two, three or four syllables we usually stress only one syllable and not the others. The syllable that is pronounced with the most emphasis we call a ‘stressed syllable’ and in spoken English the correct stress is important otherwise you may not be understood. Listen to the following words and choose the correct stressed syllable:

Frustration frus / tra / tion
Delicious de / li / cious
Flexibility flex / i / bil / i / ty
Mysterious mys / te / ri / ous
Incredible in / cred / i / ble

Write your answers in the comments box below and we will tell you if you are right or wrong.