03-18-2023 Liberty RoundTable with Sam Bushman
MAR 27, 2023
Description Community

Hour 1

* Guest: Benjamin Shafer, Merchant Services / Legal Counsel of Goldback Inc. – Goldback.com

* Guest: Gary Barsdorf, Branch Manager Alpine Gold Exchange – AlpineGold.com

* Bank Stocks Resume Slide As Relief Over Rescue Fades – Stocks
dropped on Friday, signaling that investors had little confidence that
the banking crisis had run its course despite moves to shore up flailing
lenders with injections of tens of billions of dollars – The shares of
many banks resumed their dizzying slide, erasing gains from Thursday
that had provided a brief moment of calm during a tumultuous week.

* Do you know what The Word Fungible Means?

* The Goldback® is the world’s first physical, interchangeable, gold
money, that is designed to accommodate even small transactions.

* “The Goldback solves a 2,600 year old problem in that gold can be
spent in small, interchangeable increments.” – DR. Mark Voelker, UPMA
Board Member.

* The United Precious Metals Association (UPMA) was established in
response to the passage of the Utah Specie Legal Tender Act in early
2011. UPMA aims to provide viable choices in currency; offering accounts
denominated in US minted gold and silver dollars as well as free
Goldback accounts. Members benefit from 0% buy/sell spreads and low
vaulting costs.

* Members of UPMA.org can easily access their wealth by means of
linked debit cards, Wire transfers, physical checks, or by taking
physical possession of their holdings. Membership dues and average
account fees run only a few dollars a month, making UPMA a very
affordable option for saving and transacting with sound money.

* UPMA is a Cooperative operating on a non-profit basis. Alpine Gold
Exchange offers vaulting and other supportive services to the

* Alpine Gold Exchange, Servicing the United Precious Metals Association – Gold & Silver Legal Tender – AlpineGold.com

Hour 2

* Two Hour Goldback.com Special Interview Continued!

* Guest: Jason Nole, CountyByCountyMagazine.com

* “Gold is money.  Everything else is credit.”

* “Never trust money more than gold.”

* “Let’s give people an easy to use, beautiful currency that has
intrinsic value and a reliable track record of holding its purchasing

* “Gold is the original medium of artful expression.”

* “If the world does well, gold will be fine.  If the world doesn’t
do well, gold will also do fine…but a lot of other things could

* “Because gold is honest money, it is disliked by dishonest men.”

* “If you don’t trust gold, do you trust the logic of taking a
beautiful pine tree, cutting it up, turning it into pulp, then paper,
putting some ink on it and then calling it one billion dollars?”

* The Gold Dollar!

* Goldback Purchasing Power!

* Comparison of Fractional Gold Products.


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