Divination – The Holy Language of Spirit
MAR 06
Description Community

Spirit is ALWAYS talking to you! Do you know what It is saying? Learning how to interpret the message of spirit is an art…the art of Divination! 

Divination is an ancient art that connects you DIRECTLY to the Divine! True divination is about learning the holy language of Spirit…and once you learn this language, you will feel connected in a profound way!

In this episode, I will share how to keep the ‘Divine’ in divination, and how this ancient practice, which was used by Mother Mary, St. Joseph and the Magi, can guide you to a deeper connection with yourself and the Universe. I will also share some of my own experiences of receiving Divine guidance in unexpected ways.

How has Spirit sent you messages? Do you have a favorite form of divination?

PS – If you want to learn about the new Divination & Channeling Training, click here


Key Learnings:

1. Divination is an ancient practice. There are numerous methods and ways of connecting, but the essence of this practice is learning to understand the holy language of Spirit! 

2. There are several examples throughout the Bible of Divination! Mother Mary received Her messages through the angels; St. Joseph received his messages through his dreams; the Magi were reading the stars…all of these are valid and sacred paths of communion with the Divine.

3. Spirit is ALWAYS speaking to you! Learning to interpret the messages you are receiving is the key to creating an intimate relationship with Spirit. 

“True Divination is learning the holy language of Spirit. Once you learn this language, you will feel connected to Source in a profound way.”


Click here to register for the new Divination Training

Seeking a metaphysical coach? Click here to schedule a Miracle Meeting with me

If you love the image on the wall behind me of Mother Mary Blessing the World, you can order your own museum quality copy at www.deepaliu.com
