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Hey friend!

After a short break and a bit of a regroup the podcast is back!

Todays episode is a bit of a catch up and regroup and to chat about whats is coming up for the pod over the coming weeks.

Thank you so much for your patience with me I am so glad to be back chatting with you again. 


🎙Meno-stories - Do you have a menopause story you would like to share to inspire other women and help them feel that they are not along? Complete the form here and I will get back to you. 

❤️ Meno-Coaching - Find out more how I can support you with my 90 day coaching program. Find out more here

🌹 Women's Balance Harmonising Collection - Treat yourself to a little self-care with some of my favourite hormone balancing beauty products all natural and locally made near my home in Dorset, UK here
