Episode 0059 - The Pelosi Politics of 13 Military Deaths
SEP 02, 2021
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Last night I sat down and wrote a letter to my Congresswoman that represents me here in Florida. I asked that the 13 names be read into the Congressional Record and that the Congressional Chaplin pray for those names. I as an American can request that items be submitted to the Congressional Record. However, my Congresswoman is a Democrat and sides with Nancy Pelosi on many things. On the day of the bombing she made a very short statement and it was all about her and her son who had served in the military. Politicians never address the paid of the families, instead they turn it around and make it about them. So I have doubt that my letter will get anywhere in Congress. But I encourage each of you to send a letter to your member of Congress. So i pray for the families of these fallen soldiers.
David L Espinoza
Nicole L Gee
Darin T Hoover
Ryan C. Knauss
Hunter Lopez
Rylee J McCollum
Dylan R. Merola
Kareem M Nikoui
Rasario Pichardo
Humberto A. Sanchez
Jared M Schmitz
Maxton W. Soviak
Deagan W. Page.

If you have any questions or comments, send it to mediator@lodge-co.com

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