48: OBITCH easy, breezy, beautiful cemetery girl...
MAY 12, 2022
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Happy Thursday Geoffs! This week Madison is decoding some of the symbols found on headstones, then walk down the aisle with us as Spencer chats all things post-humous marriage, A.K.A. necrogamy. We’ve got an obituary for a socialite who decided to take a holier path, and one who wasn’t scared to tell others to ‘get a grip!’ Lastly, we of course have some dumb.ass.criminallllllls! 

SEE US LIVE IN IRVINE ON AUGUST 4TH: https://tinyurl.com/3fvwbsnz

Follow along online: @obitchuarypod on Twitter & Instagram. 

Write to us: obitpod@gmail.com

Spencer Henry & Madison Reyes

PO Box 18149 Long Beach, CA 90807


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