Ep. 466: How Do I Personalize the Holidays?
SEP 11, 2023
Description Community

Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:


What is the significance of this month?


How do I personalize Rosh Hashana?

Why is there no special commemoration of Elul 25, when the world was created?

Why do some people have the custom to visit cemeteries Erev Rosh Hashana?

If we can narrow it down, what is the single most important thing we need to do on Rosh Hashana?

What is the book of life and how do we get inscribed (with a “full page ad”) in it?

Why do we dip an apple in honey?

Is it better to make good resolutions that are small but easily achievable, or larger and more difficult ones?

Is it appropriate to resolve to transgress and then refrain from doing so?

Why can’t Rosh Hashana be on a Friday when the first Rosh Hashana was a Friday?

Why don’t we sound the Shofar on Shabbos? How does Shabbos spiritually accomplish the same thing that blowing the shofar accomplishes?

Has anyone yet come up with an acronym for the new year tof shin pey daled?


What is the significance of these days and how do I personalize them?


How do I personalize Yom Kippur?

Why does Yom Kippur come after Rosh Hashana?

Why did the Rebbe dance on a chair during Napolean's March?


What is the significance of the four-day transition from Yom Kippur to Sukkos?

Why is Sukkos such a joyous holiday?

Is it related to Yom Kippur?

How do I personalize Simchas Torah?


How does Chassidus explain the spiritual energy of all the high holidays and why they all come together at the beginning of the year?

Is it called the high holidays because our prayers can travel higher than normal during these holidays

Is there a limit how far our prayers can travel through the spiritual worlds? Can our prayers reach the essence of G-d?


Why is Sukkos not in the Spring after Pesach?

Are those that sleep in a Sukkah doing anything wrong?

Hakhel: If G-d enjoys us gathering together, why do we only do it in a Hakhel year?

Follow-up: How to resolve a disagreement between spouses whether to hang a picture of a secular hero near the picture of the Rebbe?
