Gobekli Tepe Is Yhis Were It All Started? With Dr. Judkins
MAR 10, 2023
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Dr. Judkins’ important projects include mapping the longest contiguous dinosaur trackway in North America in Glen Rose, Texas, excavations at the Pool of Siloam in Jerusalem in 2004, the Tower of Siloam in Jerusalem in 2008, Joshua's Altar at Mt. Ebal, Israel, solving the Los Lunas Decalogue Stone mystery in New Mexico, the Search for Noah's Ark in Eastern Turkey on Mt. Ararat, and the discovery of a new Dead Sea Scroll Cave- Cave 12 in Qumran, Israel with Dr. Randall Price in 2017. He is a fellow at the Biblical Institute of Anthropology.

His new book is called "Guardians of Gobekli". To learn more go to www.AaronJudkins.com