The Nighttime Society of Dreamweavers
MAY 16, 2024
Description Community

Rip Van Winkle (Tim Platt) is-what else?- dreaming, when he summoned by former foe Snoozebo (Joe Lepore) of the Cavalier to aid him in a dangerous quest to save the Dream Realm. And who shall Rip turn to in this dark hour? Why, Deremeth (Ali Fisher) and Clinton Bodycount (Branson Reese) are free!

Join our Patreon now for tons more stuff, including AN ENTIRE ADDITIONAL EPISODE EVERY MONTH for patrons only. You can go listen to all of them now! Go! Hurry! It's only five bucks.

And follow us on twitter, but only if you like pleasure, at @ohthesethose

Oh These, Those Stars of Space is powered by Lasers & Feelings, the perfect ttrpg, by the brilliant John Harper

The Oh These, Those Stars of Space Theme was created, arranged, and composed by Huge Today. We like it too! Thank you for saying that!.

Additional music and sound design from the great Michael Ghelfi. Find his work on YouTube, and support that good stuff on Patreon. 
