Overcoming Mental Blocks with Dave Diggle
JAN 23, 2024
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In today’s new episode of the PerformHappy podcast, we'll be delving into the world of mental performance with none other than the incredible Dave Diggle. Dave, an international gymnast turned mental performance coach, specializes in working with high-stakes sports athletes, helping them conquer their fears and overcome mental blocks.

In this episode, we're taking a deep dive into actionable strategies that can make a significant difference in your athletic journey, whether you're an aspiring athlete or a seasoned pro.

What causes mental blocks in the first place? Dave sheds light on the triggers and roots of these challenges, offering valuable perspectives that can help you understand and navigate through your own mental obstacles.

Prevention is key, and Dave shares some invaluable tips on how to proactively tackle mental blocks before they even have a chance to take root. He also shares tips and strategies to enhance your overall effectiveness as an athlete. Whether you're looking to improve your focus, boost your confidence, or enhance your mental game, this episode is packed with gold nuggets that can elevate your performance.

In this episode, Coach Rebecca and Dave Diggle talk about:

What Causes Mental Blocks?

Unlocking Mental Blocks in Gymnastics through Imagery and Communication.

Mastering Mental Preparation Through Personalized Triggers.

Mental Training Strategy for Athletes to Overcome Fear and Improve Performance.

Athlete Empowerment Through Journaling and Data Analysis.

Nurturing Champions, A Holistic Approach to Athlete Well-being and Growth.

Dave Diggle’s Website: www.smartmind.com

Dave Diggle’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dave_diggle_smartmind?igsh=cTlqdTB0bGcwZDIy

Ready to help your athlete overcome fears and mental blocks while gaining unstoppable confidence? Discover the transformative power of PerformHappy now. If your athlete is struggling or feeling left behind, it's time for a change. Are you ready? For more info and to sign up: PerformHappy.com

Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/complete_performance/

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Check out my website: https://completeperformancecoaching.com/

Write to me! Email: rebecca@completeperformancecoaching.com

Ready to help your athlete overcome fears and mental blocks while gaining unstoppable confidence? Discover the transformative power of PerformHappy now. If your athlete is struggling or feeling left behind, it's time for a change. Are you ready? For more info and to sign up: PerformHappy.com
