EP: 421 Growing Nut Trees on a Homestead Scale (What You Need to Know)
MAR 08, 2024
Description Community

One of the crops that’s easily overlooked for growing a sustainable food source on the homestead is the nut tree. As with fruit trees, once a nut tree is established, it can produce food for your family for decades (and even generations) to come. Learn which nut trees are best for your homestead needs with David Hughes from Rock Bridge Trees. He’s sharing his best tips on nut tree care and maintenance, harvesting and even pest control. For more information and any links mentioned in this episode, visit melissaknorris.com/421.

Azure Standard: I want to thank Azure Standard for sponsoring this podcast. If you don’t yet have nut trees of your own, Azure is a fantastic source for buying nuts in bulk. It’s the only place I’ll buy my nuts because I trust their sourcing and quality control practices. Not only does Azure Standard carry whole nuts, they also carry a wide variety of nut butters and other such products. For first-time customers, you can get 10% off your first Azure Standard purchase of $50 or more using coupon code “Melissa10” at checkout.
