Life after the Destruction of the Narcissist - with Kaleah LaRoche
AUG 17, 2020
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Thousands of relationships, individuals and business are affected by Narcissists and their destructive behaviour.

Has your life been affected by a Narcissist?

If so, this is a must 'listen-to' episode!

Kaleah LaRoche is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Holistic Counsellor, Podcast host of 'Pandora's Box', Musician and Author. Just like Jo and Sue, Kaleah had her life turned upside down as the result of narcissistic abuse, she now dedicates her time to helping others that are affected by narcissism.

Kaleah has released E-books and books, 'Spiritual Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse', 'Narcissism The Web of illusion', 'Rebirth; Traversing the Dark Night of the Soul' and 'Healing Narcissistic Abuse and Finding the True Self'.

Join Jo, Sue and Kaleah as they chat about the signs, the triggers, the patterns, and the behaviours of the narcissist and what you can do to help yourself, whether you are still in a relationship with a narcissist or if you have left and want to cut ties and move on.

This episode is full of nuggets of information that will help many people, please share it with anyone who you think might need some hope and encouragement. Jo, Sue and Kaleah know that Narcissists are champions of stripping away self-esteem, self-worth and self-respect. But we also know that there is life after being with a narcissist.

Kaleah offers information, books, blogs, an online support group, counselling services by phone and long-distance recovery sessions - all information can be found at


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