Ep 205 - Dropping $50,000 - Arizona Flying Circus - Mo Sheldon
FEB 07, 2024
Description Community

Mo Sheldon has been flying paramotors since 1998 and teaching since 2001. He is certified as an Advanced Flight Instructor (AFI) through Aero Sports Connection (ASC) association, the largest Ultralight association in the US, and a rated Paramotor Flight Instructor from USPPA. Mo designs and manufactures the Grazhopper tandem trike and Moment Paramotor. He and his family; wife Maria and children Benjamin, Sarah, and Daniel, have hosted the Arizona Flying Circus for over 20 years. Mo fosters the paramotor community at large through year-round accessibility to his airfield and availability to those in need of repairs, instruction, or advice. http://www.momentparamotor.com



